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The world needs more Solitude!

Solitude is a blessing if you know how to enjoy it and find inspiration while enjoying it. Otherwise, it becomes the source of persistent restlessness and emptiness. You feel like everything is out of place and that you are not complete as an individual, or that you need to do something or find someone to fill the void you are feeling.

Maybe you need to find a new or different relationship, maybe you need to change jobs or even countries, or, who knows, you might just be depressed. That feeling of falling into an abyss or looking at a wall without knowing where to go, all comes from the inability to deal with it. And by "it" I mean loneliness .

Loneliness is what you experience when you feel aimless in life, when you feel like nothing has meaning (even if just for a moment). The growing number of people who find themselves tormented and bothered by feelings of intense loneliness is impressive.

The satisfaction of your desires generates more desires, trying to fill loneliness with the presence of company does not work in the long term. Let's not deny human interaction, companionship, community life and so on because they are essential to our well-being.

However, they cannot be the center of our lives without great personal inconvenience. Socializing can help you reduce your feelings of loneliness, or momentarily make you forget how alone you really are, but in the end, it won't allow you to overcome your loneliness.

Most self-help books say that the absence of a passion in life makes us lonely. If you are feeling alone, it is likely that you have no plausible reason to live or continue with your life. Maybe there is nothing that makes you wake up before the alarm goes off in the morning and so on.

As such, common wisdom tells you to fill your life with something or someone. From the perspective of the great masters, these remain temporary measures. You may be passionately crazy about something or someone, but that doesn't mean you don't feel alone.
Masters tell us that solitude is a beautiful opportunity to explore your self, to reflect not just on what you can do, but on what you have done. When you pay full attention to solitude, you discover an immense reservoir of calm and peace. In fact, solitude is a call of the soul.

Intense awareness in great solitude is nothing less than nirvana. In common solitude, you limit yourself to flowing with your thoughts and feelings, which are often negative when not controlled. In a more pristine form of solitude, which I call solitude of the mind, you retain an acute awareness of every little thought, of every passing moment. You begin to realize that you are truly innate, immortal, pure, that you exist beyond the body that ages or the mind that never shuts up.

The wisdom of life begins to dawn on you in such moments of silence. All those you love or loathe, desire or loathe, want or avoid, all these people, you included, are only here for a short time.

Everyone you meet in your life is on their own individual journey; Quite simply, our paths cross. The cure for loneliness, as such, is not about finding something or someone that keeps you interested, happy or busy. It's just about finding your center of consciousness and realizing that to savor lasting happiness, you have to turn inward and embrace the beauty of solitude.

The great masters said that solitude is supremely liberating. They gave it the term kaivalya: us, in our company, enjoying total peace and absorption. Due to our conditioning, our desires and actions, there is a gulf between the intellect and the soul. With self-inquiry, reflection and mindfulness, this gap begins to close, and as it does, you become closer to yourself.

A beautiful woman was drinking coffee in a bakery when a man approached her:

- Are you alone? - he asked her, with an unmistakable shyness in his voice.
- I've been alone for a long time - she replied with a sigh.
- In that case, can I take this chair?

If you look for someone in your life because you feel alone, you will end up disappointed. You're looking for a place in someone's heart, and they might just want your chair. Without a doubt, having another person keeps you busy, like most worldly relationships, but being busy is not the same as being satisfied or happy. Two lonely people do not make a festive crowd.

When you simplify and uncomplicate your life, when you dedicate time to the well-being of your mind and soul, when you live in harmony with feelings of love and kindness towards all sentient beings, you bridge the gap between your intellect and your soul.

When you leave your conditioned intellect behind, you will realize that you are beyond everything that ails you, far above everything you desire, that you are not just a shining star in the universe, but the universe itself. So who can make you feel alone or pull you out of loneliness once and for all? Nobody. If there is someone, just yourself. Your complete self, your beautiful self, your indestructible self that resides within you, that being of limitless glory and magnificence that is forever removed from anything even remotely close to ordinary solitude.

The only true and eternal relationship you have is with yourself.
Live it.
The hand.
Value it.
It is worth it.

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